Frequently Asked Questions
What does ShiokFarm mean?
'Shiok' is commonly used in Malaysia & Singapore. Expression of happiness, pleasure. It conveys a feeling of strong taste buds tingling (when used with regards to food).
Why take the subscription option with 2-month notice?
This option is called the "Support Our Farmers" program. It gives a much needed visibility to our farmers and helps them prevent food waste too.
As the farmer has less risk on unsold inventory, this program also allows better prices.
I am going on holiday. What can I do with my subscription?
If you are going on holidays, please login to our web site and fill in the vacation form. The more notice, the better. But keep in mind that we need at least 10 days notice.
You can then decide whether you would like to give your bag to a friend or donate it to a charity we are working with. Another option is to pause your deliveries, but we would really appreciate if you manage to sell or donate your boxes.
If you are giving your bag to a friend, please make sure you give us her/his phone number and name, so that we can add this person to the relevant WhatsApp group.
Can I choose what goes in my fruit & vegetables box?
We have one box called the "5kg Eco Box" that contains only produce that are trucked in to Singapore. Nothing comes by plane. Now, you are welcome to top up the content of this box with our "a la carte" produce that are available to order on our Google Form every Tuesday afternoon to Thursday morning.
If there is a produce in your box you really do not like, you can offer to exchange it on the WhatsApp group of your collection point. Most of the time, you will find a volunteer to swap with you.
And if none of these options work for you, you can also build your own box. To do this head to our Google Form and place your order every week before Thursday noon. Your order will be delivered the following week. You do not need to be a subscriber to buy à la carte.
Can I know in advance what will be in the 5kgEco Box?
Every Tuesday, we wil share on the Google Form what will the 5kgEco box will contain the following week. This allows you to know what you will need to complete your box with.
Please note that as we work directly with farms and depend on the sun’s good will, bags’ content might vary slightly from what was announced. Same goes for the weight. It is possible that a butternut or a cabbage will be lighter than what we expected. But it can also be much heavier. :)
Why should I take a subscription?
At ShiokFarm, we commit to work with farmers on behalf of the community. You can cancel your subscription at any point in time, however we will need a two months' notice. This gives farmers a much needed visibility and avoids food waste.
We also ask you to let us know in advance when you will be travelling - at least 10 days, but the longer the notice, the better.
When is my credit card charged for my subscription?
Once you have joined our program, your credit card is charged automatically every four weeks. Note that we pay ahead of the delivery, not at the end of the 4 weeks period.
How do I change my subscription?
To change your order, please send an email to We will cancel your subscription. Please note that all changes will take effect at the end of the ongoing 4 weeks cycle. Please let us know at least 10 days before the next credit card charge if you want to cancel.
How do I cancel my subscription?
We are sorry to see you leave. Please email to let us know and make sure you receive an acknowledgement email.
Can you deliver fruit at my office?
Yes! You can now receive bags of organic fruit delivered straight to your office. This allows you and your team to have healthy snacks at work, a nice alternative to chips and chocolate bars.
Please write to, writing "Fruit@TheOffice" in the subject line.
What do I do with my empty boxes?
Please bring back your box(s) to the Collection Point or give them back to our delivery team. Kindly make sure they are clean – as clean as you would like your box to be – and folded/flattened.
Are deliveries done at the same time every week?
We do our best to deliver at a similar time, but our delivery partner operates within a four-hour window, similar to Redmart. On rare occasions, such as public holidays, we may need to adjust the delivery day. Rest assured, we’ll provide advance notice to ensure everyone has enough time to plan accordingly.
I work and cannot pick up my ShiokFarm box
If you or the person who usually picks up your box is unable to visit the Collection Point, please arrange for another member to collect it on your behalf. Alternatively, you may subscribe to our home delivery service for an additional fee.
Please note that boxes cannot be left at the Collection Point outside of opening hours. Collection Points are hosted by members who generously volunteer two hours of their time each week to help us reduce storage costs. Therefore, it’s important to be punctual and avoid using more of their time than necessary.
Does the box contain exactly the same produce every time?
Nope, we are trying as much as we can to rotate produces. However, some items are regulars: local lettuce, tomatoes, potatoes (sweet and not), bananas. We try as much as we can, to cover the Dirty Dozen.
We also try to follow the season. The rainy season offers less diversity of fruit and vegetables than the rest of the year.
What if I am sitting on a mountain of bananas and they are planned to be in my next bag?
If you face this situation, you have three options:
- our website has hundreds of recipes! Have a look! You can also ask on our Facebook group which recipes other members have to share. You will be surprised with what you can do!
- once you have tried all the possible recipes, or if you do not feel adventurous, you can ask your WhatsApp group if a member is willing to exchange them for something you like. We really encourage exchange of produces between members as it works really well.
- You can give them to your neighbour, your security guard, a local charity.
Actually, you can do any of the above, just make sure they are not wasted. 🍌
One of the produce is rotten. What do I do?
In the unlikely event that one of your items is rotten (i.e. rotten = not eatable at all, dead; Not just damaged or funny looking), please take a picture of it and send it to or send a WhatsApp to our Customer Relationship phone. We will arrange to have it replaced the next week. If it is just damaged, then make sure you cook it the same day and have it for dinner. We try as much as we can to avoid waste.
How should I store my organic fruit and vegetables?
- In the fridge: salad and all leafy. Note that your salad, arugula, baby spinach might appreciate a 15 minutes bath in cold water. Once done, dry them well, wrap them in a kitchen towel and put them in the fridge. Eggplant, zucchinis, green beans will also love the freshness of your fridge.
- In a dark cupboard: potatoes and sweet potatoes.
- Outside, in a dish, but not in a plastic bag: tomatoes, onions, garlic, bananas, apples, pears.
- Red radishes and herbs: take a Tupperware, put some wet kitchen paper at the bottom (press the water out), put your herbs or red radishes, cover with another wet kitchen paper. They will live longer in your fridge.
- Unripe fruit/vegetables: wrap any unripe fruit in newspaper (as if you were wrapping a gift) and put them in a dark cupboard for 24 hours: it’s magic!
Feel free to share your tips with us:
How do I know it's organic?
The farms we work with in Malaysia and Thailand, they are all at least EU and USDA certified. We visit them on a regular basis to make sure there are bugs flying and crawling on the floor. We actually only work with one farm which is "in transition", it means they have started their journey to be certified but have not received their certification yet. They are located in Malaysia.
What is the Dirty Dozen
The Dirty Dozen list is put together every year by the "Environmental Working Group" (EWG). It reveals the fruits and vegetables that are the most likely to be contaminated by pesticides. For example, a single strawberry can have as many as twenty different pesticides.
Click here to see the 2024 list
In Asia, we can add green leafy vegetables to the list. We have also tested on several occasions non organic bananas that were very high on nitrates (this is a fertiliser, not a pesticide, but as hazardous for humans' health when found in high quantities and when one is exposed to repeatedly).
We cannot wash or peel our way out of the problem. Washing removes some residues. Systemic pesticides are inside the produce and cannot be washed away.
At ShiokFarm, we really want every parent to be able to afford to feed their child with food that is as clean as possible. To support them, we have put the 5kg Eco Box. It focus on the Dirty Dozen produces. Note that the box also contains other organic produces to allow variety.
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Mon to Fri: 9am to 3pm
Send us your questions or suggestions, as well as your favorite recipe.
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