Making ShiokFarm Sustainable Together

“12 years ago, when I was pregnant for the first time, I decided to shift my diet to organic food. I had read it was good for my baby and for me. Today, the question we constantly ask ourselves at ShiokFarm is how do we make sure the organic food we are feeding our families will emits as little Co2 as possible? The way our food is shipped to us and from how far, has a substantial impact on our community’s carbon footprint.”

Claire Chabrières, April 2024

Since the creation of ShiokFarm, we have been working hard to not only deliver the best organic produce to our clients, but also to do that in a sustainable way. We are constantly reviewing our processes and engaging with our partners and community to lower our impact on the environment.

We are proud in 2021 to publish our first sustainability report. It’s packed with the actions we have implemented so far and the upcoming projects. We will give you an update every year on our progress.

We have also calculated our 2020 carbon emissions, set reduction target for the coming years and joined a reforestation program in South East Asia, that will involve all our community!

Our first sustainability report focuses on three of the Sustainable Development Goals from the United Nations and supports Singapore’s Green Plan 2030.

We care about Climate change

From changing our logistics to reducing air freight, to promoting collection points instead of home delivery and choosing an Eco Friendly Coworking space, learn more about ShiokFarm’s carbon footprint and discover how you can get involved.

Read the full report

We care about our responsible consumption and production

Working closely with the farmers, we guarantee the quality and traceability of our produce. We take pride in delivering them in sustainable packaging. We fight against food waste.

Read the full report

We care about our community’s good health

Acting as Green Advocates, we work alongside nutritionists and engage with our farmers, customers, kids in schools and corporations to promote good health, well-being, and share our passion for sustainable development.

Read the full report

Singapore Green Plan 2030

Singapore has built a 10-year plan to address the climate change crisis by 2030.
ShiokFarm is committed to actively contribute in achieving the nation’s goals.

Read the full report

What's on the menu

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We take pride to always try to bring produces that are grown as close as possible to us. We fly things in only if they are not available nearby. If you would like to order a produce that you are not seeing listed here, leave your email and a note and we will try to add it!