
How to create a sustainable business?

How to create a sustainable business?

On May the 18th 2022, I was invited to share my experience on how to create a sustainable and eco-friendly business during a webinar organised by Le Petit Journal and EDHEC Business School...
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Claire Chabrières, winner of the Entrepreneur Trophy awarded by EDHEC Business School

Claire Chabrières, winner of the Entrepreneur Trophy awarded by EDHEC Business School

I must say I am really touched. This is an incredible recognition of all our efforts for the past six years. ShiokFarm's team has been working really hard to provide ethically sourced and sustainable organic food to families in Singapore and I am really proud of what we have achieved so far. 
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What is The Matcha Initiative?

What is The Matcha Initiative?

Many of us work for companies who could be more sustainable, but it is difficult to know where to start. Often, time is the main constraint. I was recently talking to my good friend, Anne Langourieux, who created a fantastic platform, that guides companies to the right path to be more sustainable.
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Interview of Claire Kolly, our oldest member, and host of Sommerville Park collection point

Interview of Claire Kolly, our oldest member, and host of Sommerville Park collection point

We wanted to see our progress from the perspective of long-time members. So, we had a chat with Claire Kolly, who received her first bag on November the 16th 2015.
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ShiokFarm 6th Anniversary

ShiokFarm 6th Anniversary

So much has happened in the past 6 years! With the state of the planet today your support is needed more than ever. 🌏
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COP26 Essentials

COP26 Essentials

In Glasgow, more than 100 countries are discussing ways to fight climate change and make the environment better. Tap to find more.
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Things we should have learnt in school

Things we should have learnt in school

Climate change and its effects have become extremely prominent in the past decade. There are plenty of documentaries around this, but today we want to cover what you can do at home for our children to learn from us. 

Here are some of the topics we will be covering:

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A guide on creating your very own DIY salad bar

A guide on creating your very own DIY salad bar

Does your fridge sometimes get cluttered with all sorts of fruits and vegetables and you don’t know what to make of it? Well enter your very own DIY salad bar!

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5 Practical Solutions to Make Singapore A Greener City

5 Practical Solutions to Make Singapore A Greener City

We can all play our role in making Singapore a greener city, here are 5 things we can all do to improve the situation, starting now!
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Let's get meatless - finding an alternative for your protein.

Let's get meatless - finding an alternative for your protein.

Protein is a macronutrient that is absolutely essential for a healthy lifestyle. Learn how it can be derived from meatless sources! 
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Organic vs Biodynamic vs Natural wines

Organic vs Biodynamic vs Natural wines

How to tell organic, biodynamic and natural wines apart.

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Does the keto diet have to be meat-heavy?

Does the keto diet have to be meat-heavy?

Consultant Dietitian Dr Naras Lapsys debunks certain myths around the popular diet and shows how to make keto more sustainable
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44 results

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We take pride to always try to bring produces that are grown as close as possible to us. We fly things in only if they are not available nearby. If you would like to order a produce that you are not seeing listed here, leave your email and a note and we will try to add it!